Although I was born in Phoenix, I spent most of my life living in California until I moved back here in late 2013. One afternoon early in 2012, we had a knock on our door at our home in Livermore, California. The person who knocked at the door introduced himself ae Eric Swalwell, and told us that he was running for Congress in our district.
Because of the wacky election laws in California, he was not running against a Republican, but against another Democrat who had been in office for 20 years. After gerrymandering the area to become a democrat stronghold, and after creating a voting system where the top two finishers in the primaries would face each other in the general election, even if they were from the same party, I had to vote between two democrats in the general election.
Mr. Swalwell was a young, fresh face, and he complained about his opponent that he was too entrenched in the political machine in Washington, and that he would come in with a moderate mindset, vote his own convictions, and work across the aisle with Republicans. He didn’t.
He had lied to my face on my front porch. Instead of being moderate and following his own convictions, as he promised, he became Nancy Pelosi’s puppet and attack dog. He is one of the most biased and liberal representatives in the House.
That brings me to Mark Kelly. He has stated that it doesn’t matter who gets the credit for legislation, Republican or Democrat. He has stated that he will represent the interests of all Arizonans. Since that is impossible for anyone to do, it is a lie.
What should concern everyone is, where does his campaign money come from. Mr. Kelly has amassed a $20 million dollar war chest, but less than 10% of that money has come from Arizona contributors. Mark Kelly will owe more to outside influences than to Arizonans. They will expect to be repaid.
Mr. Kelly was handpicked by Chuck Schumer, one of the Senators from New York and the minority leader in the Senate. He hand picked 4 other individuals with no legislative experience in other races around the country to run against Republican incumbents. Why would he do that?
It’s because he knows that he will control how they vote on key issues. You will have no representation at all. What you will have is the New York and California high tax and more spending mentality afflicting Arizona. Mr. Kelly’s issue statements are wandering generalities instead of meaningful specifics. Don’t promise specifics and you cannot be accused of lying later.
Blacks and Hispanics have excelled through charter schools and school choice. They have seen their incomes rise and unemployment fall under reduced taxes and regulations. Democrats and Kelly will destroy those, keeping Blacks and Hispanics in their rightful place: in slums with run down schools operated by teachers’ unions, and dependent on government handouts. He is misrepresenting Martha McSally’s position on pre-existing conditions, just as Kyrsten Sinema was misrepresenting what House Republicans actually passed in 2018, according to the Arizona Republic.
What I see in Mark Kelly is an Eric Swalwell in the Senate. Say anything to get elected, then tow the party line under the direction of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Arizona deserves someone better. Please elect Martha McSally.
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Educate yourself before you vote. Read some books! Remember what Vladimir Lenin said: The only goal of Socialism is Communism.