On July 4, 1776, a group of colonist in this new land declared their independence from the British nation. We had inequities that existed with the times, including the practice of slavery, which was brought here from Africa; not invented in North America.
On March 20, 1854, a group of anti-slavery got together and formed the Republican party, to block the Kansas-Nebraska act that would have overturned the Missouri compromise, which had banned slavery into U.S. territories above the 36ᵒ 30’ latitude. Republicans continued to push for the 13th Amendment, which permanently abolished slavery in the United States. Unfortunately, many laws were passed (so called Jim Crow laws) that encouraged segregation. However, this was mostly started by Southern Democrats and were adopted in bipartisan fashion.
For many years, the black Americans who were allowed to vote were voting for Republicans, and continued to do so until FDR. This was partly because of the Great Depression, and many voters heard his promises and voted for him. Even then, black Americans still gave 30-40% of their vote to Republicans.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, not because of Lyndon Johnson, but because 81% of Republicans voted in favor, as opposed to only 63% of Democrats. Johnson, who was known to be a southern racist, knew that the civil rights movement was going to increase the number of black voters over time, and that Democrats had to do something to grab those votes.
Therefore, on January 4, 1965, LBJ issued his Declaration of DEPENDENCE, which he named “The Great Society.” That was the beginning of the welfare state and the beginning of slavery again in America. However, there were no chains, whips, and task masters. They were replaced by subsidized and government housing, welfare, and empty promises from Democrats. Furthermore, there were no plantations on which they Black Americans were forced to live. Instead, the government subsidized housing in the slums of the major cities, with rules that encouraged single parent households, poor education, and crime, became the shackles.
The Democrats have been making promises of a better life for Black Americans for 55 years now, and those Americans continue to reward them with their votes. What has been the result of those promises and votes:
- The percentage of Black Americans living in poverty has remained stagnant for those 55 years.
- Blacks are victims of and perpetrators of more violent crime than any other race.
- High School graduation rates for Black children was only 77%
I believe that Black Americans do not want to be dependent on the government for their subsistence. The unemployment rate has not only fallen for Black Americans since President Trump took office, but the labor participation rate among Black Americans had matched that of whites for the first time ever at the end of 2019. The Democrats want to reverse all of the deregulation and tax cuts that helped create a booming economy prior to Covid-19.
Police Protection
In a recent Gallup poll, Black Americans overwhelmingly said that they wanted the same or more police presence in their neighborhoods. They understand that more police presence will help reduce crime. What to the Democratic mayors and legislators want? They are threatening to defund or do away with police departments. They refuse to do what would really solve the problem of bad cops, who are a minority of the force. Bad cops cannot be eliminated because of the power of the Police Unions, who are a major funding source for Democrats. The Democrats care more about campaign funds than they do for the wellbeing of Black Americans.
Many Black Americans are trapped in substandard public schools. It is clear that charter schools and parent choice in schools is an important issue among Black Americans. In recent polls, it was determined that 54% of Black Americans are in favor of charter schools and almost 70% are in favor of school vouchers for parental choice as to what schools their children will attend. What do Democrats want to do? They want to eliminate charter schools and reduce or defund school vouchers. Why do they take this position? Because teachers’ unions disfavor these parental choice programs, and those unions are among the largest donors to Democratic candidates.
In 2016, candidate Donald Trump asked Black American voters, “What do you have to lose?” The response was that only 8% of Black American voters voted for him. Fortunately, he did not turn his back on you. He fulfilled his promises, and he along with many other Republicans have taken action to improve your job situation, reduce crime and provide a better education for your children.
The sad thing is that Democrats want to overturn all of that progress and return you to dependence on government, more crime and keep your children stuck in lousy schools, just so they can continue to get their campaign contributions. What is worse, is that you are expected to dutifully fulfill your role by voting for the Democrats. Even Joe Biden said, “If Black Americans don’t vote for me, they ain’t black.”
Black Americans have a lot to lose if they continue to support Democrats. Education is freedom! The path to a better life for yourself and your children is to be better educated in the future. You can say goodbye to the dream of a better life if you vote Democrat.
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