No More Blanket “Stimulus” Bills from Congress

If a politician came up to you and said, “I will give you $100 if you vote for me”, they would be considered to be corrupt and buying votes. However, if he or she tells you that they will send you $1,200 as a stimulus, you might think that’s great! When these politicians join in with each other (also known as a conspiracy), and passes a law to give everyone $1,200, its called a stimulus to help correct the economy that was damaged by the action of politicians in response to the Chinese Virus (Covid-19).

Unfortunately, they didn’t use some sensible deliberation to determine what would really work or who really needed the help. They did their familiar “Ready, Fire, Aim” method and threw over $3 trillion (money they didn’t really have) up in the air and hoped it would land where it might help. That’s more than $9,000 of debt for every man, woman and child in America. Where did the other $7,800 that didn’t get sent to people go?

They also neglected to tell you that you, your children, your grand children and possibly your great grand children will need to pay the full $9,000 back sometime in the future, with interest.

Did people who could work from home and still receive full pay and benefits need additional funds from the government? Did federal and state employees, who continued to receive full pay and benefits need those additional funds? Especially when they were not even working from home! Did it make sense to provide an unemployment bonus to some laid off workers, who now received in some cases 2 to 3 times more than they did when they were working?

You scratch my back

How could more money being given to people actually stimulate the economy when there was nowhere to spend the money. People were quarantined into their homes; restaurants were closed as well as all other entertainment establishments. Absolutely no thought was given to what was really needed.

How could more money being given to people actually stimulate the economy when there was nowhere to spend the money. People were quarantined into their homes; restaurants were closed as well as all other entertainment establishments. Absolutely no thought was given to what was really needed.

Once again, Congress wants to provide a “stimulus” to the economy by giving away money. In essence, they want to bribe the American voters for their vote.

Have they taken the time to figure out where we are right now? The Federal Debt is now over $26 trillion. That means that every American is in debt to the tune of over $80,000 and for people who actually pay taxes the total is $214,000 per taxpayer.

This is especially true of the Democrats who want to spend $3 trillion (again money that we do not have) to buy the votes of average people, shore up they coffers of the states that waste money and have been staying in power thanks to the unions, especially the public sector unions, and bail those states out of their failed management. These are the states that have violated Federal law with their sanctuary cities, but now want the remainder of the company to bail them out.

Yes, we should provide some help to people who have lost their jobs because of government dictates. However, that help should not exceed 70% of what they were previously earning. If someone was earning $400 per week, should they now receive $840 per week? That’s absurd.  How about $280 per week, which is 70% of their base salary. Remember, they do not have 7.5% withheld because of FICA, and they do not have the cost of commuting to work.

Yet, AOC and other “progressive” Democrats want to continue the gravy train to workers rather than provide relief only to those who need it and in an amount that is reasonable to help those who really need it. While they are at it, remove all of the pork that has been loaded into the bill, just as it was in the last stimulus bills, and pare spending down to the essentials.

Can we please get politics out of this crisis? We need to beat the virus, but more importantly, we must have businesses open to provide the population with jobs. The current Democrat proposal accomplishes only one thing: making Americans more dependent on Big Government.

That is not what America was built on, and not what she is all about. If Congress must spend money, let them do it like it was their money and not that of the people.  They are using YOUR money to buy your vote for THEM.

Contact your Senator or the member of the House of Representatives for your area and tell them that you do not want anymore blanket bailouts.

Ken Koenen

Ken is a Tax Attorney licensed in Arizona and California. He is a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, unhappy with the lack of common sense in the United States today.

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Ken Koenen

Ken is a Tax Attorney licensed in Arizona and California. He is a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, unhappy with the lack of common sense in the United States today.