Biden’s Ads Are Full of Lies and Empty Promises

Joe Biden is running ads on television that are full of lies and vague, empty promises that he has no power to keep.

Let’s start with the one where he states that consistency is important in the office of President. I agree with that statement, and the best example of that was Ronald Reagan. You could listen to one of his speeches from before he was even governor of California, and then listen to one when he was president, and you would see that his beliefs were consistent over the years. Biden cannot make the same claim, as his beliefs blow in the direction that will get him the most votes.

Biden ads have also stated that Trump sent in Federal troops to attack protesters in different cities. That, of course, is a lie. Federal troops were sent in either at the request of local authorities to help protect private property, or without a request in order to protect Federal property when the local authorities refused to do so. These were not “peaceful protests” as claimed by Biden and his fellow democrats.

He has ads that talk about the layoffs caused by Covid-19, and that they are continuing to rise. Another lie. Yes, there were layoffs caused by the forced closure of businesses by state and local government. However, they are not continuing to rise other than perhaps the states where the reopening have been dragged out, namely states run by Democrats who care more about having an issue than getting the economy back on track. Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer want to blow another $3.5 trillion that we do not have in order to “stimulate the economy,” even though the economy is coming back without an additional stimulus. There are currently as many job openings as there were in December. The problem is that Democrats, in and effort to make more people dependent on the government, gave enhanced unemployment benefits to people which pays them more to stay home than to work.

The real kicker is when he talks about the death of his wife and son after a car accident, and later the death of his son Beau from cancer. He talks about how hard it would have been for him without insurance to help pay the bills, and that his plan (which has not been enunciated) would “help your family” like he helped his family. The reality is that the insurance that Federal politicians provide to themselves is vastly superior to any insurance that government will provide to the common citizen. Do you really think that they find all of the ailments of Ruth Bader Ginsberg at her annual Medicare “Wellness Check?”

If you want to talk about character, why not talk about Mr. Biden and his running mate, Kamela Harris?

Ms. Harris, as the District Attorney, would not prosecute priests who had abused children because the Archdiocese donated heavily to her re-election campaign. Of course, she slept her way into politics with Willie Brown.

Willie Brown and Kamela Harris

Then as Attorney General of California, she blocked the acquisition of a group of 7 hospitals because the buyer would not guarantee that they would be union hospitals. She ultimately approved a sale to another group who guaranteed that it would be union run, only to have the entire chain fold into bankruptcy.  She got here campaign money, but the hospitals were lost to the state.

Mr. Biden, on the other hand, made sure that his family was well taken care of because of his position as Senator or, later, vice-president. His support of his son Hunter with his Ukraine board of director position at Burisma (paying him $1,000,000 per year for advice in an industry that he had no knowledge of) is a fact. He also gave Hunter a lift on Air Force Two to China where, after Joe met with one of Hunter’s partners in China, Hunter’s company landed a multi-million-dollar contract with his Chinese partners.

Then there was Joe’s brother, Frank. Frank was involved in the killing of a pedestrian when Frank and the driver of a rented vehicle, while intoxicated, hit him, killing him. The pedestrian’s minor children obtained a $600,000 judgment against Frank, which he has never paid because he went into hiding in Costa Rica. The attorney for the children contacted then Senator Biden for help in collecting this debt, only to be told that Frank was broke and there was no way he could pay. All the while, he knew that Frank was in Costa Rica trying to build a resort community there along with a huge solar farm, which, by the way, was partly being subsidized with American taxpayers’ dollars.

Frank later got involved with a Charter school in Florida, although he couldn’t care less about children’s education. He bought up real estate that could be leased to the schools, of course, paid for by tax dollars.

When Joe Biden says that he will help your family like he helps his own, don’t count on it. You will be helping his family with your tax dollars, which he plans to dramatically increase for the benefit of the political elite.

Ken Koenen

Ken is a Tax Attorney licensed in Arizona and California. He is a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, unhappy with the lack of common sense in the United States today.

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Ken Koenen

Ken is a Tax Attorney licensed in Arizona and California. He is a fiscal conservative and a social moderate, unhappy with the lack of common sense in the United States today.